Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Nobody runs to lose...

I do not know about you, but I think I am finally exhausted by this extended presidential race. The way I feel now, if the election was held tomorrow, I probably would not vote. I am sure that will change though.

Because of cable TV and this 24 hour news cycle, in which every fart by the candidates gets coverage, the campaigns are starting to resemble a fight between 4 and 8 year olds (8 because McCain is almost twice as old), each complaining to mom about the other. McCain accuses Obama of flip-flopping…Obama, accuses McCain of pandering.
Isn’t it funny to hear them both claim that the other is a “politician”? It is like watching two mud wrestlers argue about who’s dirtier!

Maybe we started ideallistically, well at least I did. Barrack Obama did seem to be this agent of change that a lot of us wanted to believe in, and he still may win and do an admirable job. However, I think it is unrealistic to think that he will go into the temple, turn over the tables, and kick out the thieves. It is not going to happen. He is not going to totally change Washington! The establishment has worked hard for a couple hundred years to streamline our choices, so that in the Democrats and Republicans we think that we have a real choice…Except that we don’t.

Obama, is definitely still more progressive than McCain but be clear, they are all politicians.

Politics: use of intrigue or strategy in obtaining any position of power or control.

So when you hear “Obama changes his mind on finance reform”, or “McCain flip-flops on Immigration” remember its still only politics. They are just doing what politicians do.

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