Friday, June 13, 2008

the great debate-

I am going to tread very lightly on this next topic because some people may have some very strong feelings. I will also be very careful not to generalize by only offering my opinions based on my own limited experiences. I can’t speak for everyone! However, I guarantee there will be someone who can relate…

When you really sit down and think about, (and you have probably only done this in the shower or on a long drive in which you were bored out of your mind) there are some real differences in the way men and women argue.
Let me first examine the male psyche. Most of the guys I know are logical, linear thinking fellows. No matter where they are from, and no matter who they are in a debate with, they seem to enter into the situation the same way you would enter a boxing match. In the sport of boxing, there are rules that the opponents both agree to abide by. There are no low blows, no hitting behind the head and no hitting after the bell to name a few. Both fighters proceed with a kind of order that make boxing the “sweet science”. Everything just seems to makes sense. Now every now and then, you get a crazy opponent trying to bite off your ear or throwing a stool at you. Yeah that happens, usually with that drunken guy at the club. Sometimes you may even get a third party putting their 2 cents in, which may lead to the opponents unifying to attack the intruder. Remember how Fan Man, or whoever he was, got beat down after parachuting into the ring during an Evander Holyfield fight back in 1993? You should never interfere with two guys settling an issue. It just ain’t smart.
For the most part, unless there are some chemical imbalances, guys generally play by the rules.

Now from my experiences, when the fight pits members of the opposite sex together, the dynamics change drastically! Now there is the guy who still thinks he’s coming to the ring for a boxing match with all the parameters of the sport but to his surprise, his opponent did not come to the ring to box! She came to the ring with the intent to win a WWE wrestling match! Moreover, she’s going to win at all costs. There are no rules against third parties in wrestling (well, there is…but you know). She came to the ring with her manager, Mr. Fuji. When the bell rings, the guy comes out to throw a jab and is surprised by a kick to the groin! "WHAT THE??", he thinks. He has to adapt, but he doesn’t know how!! This just is not logical to him. By the time he regains his bearings and starts to gain the upper hand, her manager Mr. Fuji, throws a metal chair into the ring. He is baffled by the fact that she uses it as a weapon! This analogy is based on my experiences only. However, it does not reflect any experiences I have had with the women I have dated ;)…Now, back to the fight! The poor fella is handicapped because none of this new style of fighting makes any sense to him. He keeps boxing in the hopes that his disciplined skills will bring him victory but he does not notice as she reaches into her leotard and slips her fingers into a brass knuckle.
When he wakes up, he realizes that the ref has just disqualified her for using a foreign object. Luckily, he retains his belt! But she doesn’t care. In her eyes, the fight isn’t over. The guy has to pay! Mr. Fuji jumps in the ring and they both begin stomping the poor guy, while the referee’s efforts to stop the match are futile. They smash him repeatedly with the steel chair. Finally, they stop only because the next match has to begin after the commercial break.

That’s how I see it. Sometimes it just seems as if men and women just play by a different set of rules.

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