Wednesday, February 25, 2009

She has been good to us...

That’s what a friend text me a few days ago as a conclusion to a discussion we had been having about our lives in New York. We had been reflecting on the ups, downs and all the surprises.

I have lived in New York for 11 going on 12 years now. I feel as though this is my home. I was born in Philadelphia, attended elementary school in Florida but as of this year I have lived in New York longer than I have lived in any one place continuously. And the city has always rewarded me for staying and loving her.
I was in Manhattan the morning of September 11th. We’ve recovered and she has grown closer to me.
I walked from Times Square to Jamaica Queens during the black out and she rewarded me with the most beautiful sunrise that I will ever see in my life. She was so beautiful lying there in her rawest form. The power came back hours later and she would return to her nervous self.
She has seen me through school, a couple of career changes and a few romantic affairs. The romantic affairs didn’t always go well…obviously…However, after my follies, she has always had another pleasant surprise waiting in some bookstore, coffee-shop or party.

I’ve fallen for other pretty ones like Paris, Barcelona and even Florence but we don’t share such a dynamic history. I may flirt with them for a while but I will always remember my true love.

Friday, February 13, 2009

nothing to say...

This week I have nothing to say. Except, Im not surprised at the House Republicans...

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

JR from Space!!!

The international street artist JR has now taken his craft to a whole new scale. He is known for his rather large pieces but his latest, done in Kenya, is awe inspiring. Word has it that you can see this piece from space!!! Google Earth it!