Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Looking Glass: submitted by Diondra Smith

No Questions

Have you ever been left for nothing?
Well nothing is what he said she was
Nothing was their life together, their kids, their house
When he walked away he promised his misery, at little league games and at couples retreats,
Cuz all of that meant nothing
Nothing to him nothing to me, nothing is what he left me for, left me with
He promised that I was his everything, his weightless all
Then shrugged me off and dutifully took up all of his nothing.
Have you ever been left for nothing?

Well that's what he left me for
For the familiar, the planned, the expected and respected
For father's day and anniversary gifts, for pee wee ball, dinner at 6
He promised it would all be incomplete, he promised he could endure my malice
Cause without me it was nothing, and nothing is why he left me

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

love is for ever ........wait nothing is forever......or love is nothing