Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Quick Note...

Why are Hillary supporters so angry?

A lady I work with, who happens to be an older woman, asked me the other day who I would vote for. And without thinking, I answered her. I did not say Hillary Clinton and at that moment the discourse escalated. She angrily went on to start listing Sen. Clinton's accomplishments in a very vague manner while calling my choice unqualified. Maybe not as "experienced" as her choice, but unqualified was a bit of a stretch. I could tell she wasn't well informed in politics but had become enthralled in this campaign year because of the extraordinary circumstances. After realizing this discussion was not going in a fruitful direction and there was no way I could come out unscathed I became very diplomatic. I stated that I really don't discuss politics at work or with my "close" friends. Including "close friends" in my declaration was purely strategic to soften her and hopefully diffuse the situation. It worked! We then agreed that if we disagreed on candidates it was fine.

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