Thursday, April 16, 2009

Let'em Go!!!

OK, so Governor Perry of Texas hinted yesterday that his state may secede from the union. He says that Texas rejects the oppressive federal government under President Obama. Mind you, he didn’t reject the hurricane, flood and wildfire aid that his state recently received and he also requested more National Guard troops to help him at the Mexican border. It’s striking how silly the country’s political sides have become. I’m sorry, but all this tea bag stuff is just silly! Yeah they do have a point, government spending has brought about a huge deficit but let’s not forget it was conservatives who put us there. I didn’t see any signs protesting Bush but I did see a lot of anti-Obama signs and a few with racial overtones, which is not surprising.

Well I say let them go! Let them become there own nation and lets tighten up the immigration laws and cut federal aid of all types. Let’s watch as their unemployment hits 20-30% and then racial tensions boil over and violent crime explodes in not just the urban areas. And then, let’s watch them try and hold back the Mexican drug cartels. They’ll come crawling back to Mr. Obama, the man they seem to hate so much.

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