Tuesday, October 7, 2008

don't pull the thangs unless you plan to bang!!

gloves are off

I’ve tried to steer clear of the presidential race as of late but it is becoming a bit of a joke, therefore warranting some kind of comment from this blog. This week it looks as if Sen. Obama is starting to pull away. I don’t make that assumption solely based on the polls, because the polls if nothing else, has shown that they are erratic, especially for a black candidate (i.e. the Bradley Effect). I make this assumption based on the reaction of the McCain campaign this week to Obama and the Polls.

If you’re a guy, you’ve probably been in a situation where you’ve been getting verbally beaten down by your girlfriend. And at this moment you have no comeback because she is absolutely right! It’s your fault and you know it’s your fault but you just cannot concede, so what do you do? You grab at anything! Anything you can use to change the focus of the argument. You bring up that guy who called her last week or even the night she stayed out late with that girlfriend she used to hang out with, the one with the questionable morals who is destined to remain single. However, you better be careful because you have friends that are a lot worse… You may bring up all sorts of nonsense to postpone the inevitable. But your rational self knows that this is just a tactic with no plausible way of working and that you have already lost. You thought you would save a little face…but you didn’t you look a lot uglier.

That brings us back to the McCain-Palin campaign. They know they can’t win on any of the prevalent issues so they are now grasping at straws. And this Bill Ayers thing is just that. We know Barrack Obama isn’t a terrorist and he doesn’t “pall around with terrorist” and throwing his middle name out in some not-so-subtle racial jab won’t win any arguments outside of the base. Who cares if they win the racist vote. The argument is the Economy, stupid!

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