Friday, June 20, 2008

Chicks Dig Yankee Stadium

I've discovered the perfect formula! Check this out! I am a hopeless sports fan thanks to my grandfather, who got me involved in baseball and football very early in life. Sports have become part of my genetic make-up. They have had an impact on me from the way I relate to my fellow man (how many times have you heard grown men discuss serious topics only using sports analogies?) to my education (in 4th grade I was the fastest to learn my "7 time tables" because of football scoring). This is not unique to American men either. A lot of my European, Asian, Latin American and African friends have had their lives shaped by Soccer/Futbol. A mistake we (both sexes) make in dating is to try to change our mate. I have had girls try to extract the love of sports from my DNA, only to fail miserably. I have also tried to make girls love sports, which they have sometimes pretended to do because they intended to gain concessions from me later on. I knew the interest was not genuine.
I decided to surprise my girlfriend, who hates sports all together, and take her to a Yankee game. My buddy Erik acquired two tickets to a game and passed them on to me. I called her at work and told her not to make any plans, "I have a surprise for you after work". She also hates surprises, so the rest of the afternoon consisted of her asking me for hints!

Her: Is it a gallery?

Me: there is a gallery there...

Her: Is it a Fashion show?

Me: well, there is fashion for men, women and children there.

Her: Is it Historical?

Me: There is a lot of history there and it will all be gone after this year! (This is the last year the yanks will be playing in the house that Babe Ruth built.)
Her: Is it a film?
Me: They have this giant Hi-Def screen! Really, I am not lying!

When we got off the train at 161st st, the awesome spectacle of the Stadium was undeniable. Even to someone who has never liked sports. I could feel the anxiety coursing through her as we made our way into the game. It had began to rain so we had some time to get some snacks and drinks and leisurely began to walk through the hallowed corridors. We finally sat down and she enjoyed her first Yankee game, clapping when prompted and cheering for A-rod, who delivered with the game winning Homerun!
I explained some of the history of the building (built in the 1920's refurbished is the 70's) and then we went across the street to examine the New Yankee Stadium that will open next year.
It worked wonderfully, No matter what they say fellas, no woman can resist the excitement generated by a game winning A-Rod home run in Yankee Stadium.

! If your girl can, I don't envy you!

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