Two years ago, a beloved icon in children’s animation went missing without a trace. On a regular day in the Smurf village, Jokey Smurf, the loveable prankster known for his exploding presents simply disappeared. Not much was known about the whereabouts of Jokey until now. Lovettcanfly has learned that Jokey smurf is being detained as an enemy combatant at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. We have also learned that Homeland security had been using the cover of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, which allows the government to spy on ordinary citizens (and since 9/11, without a judge issued warrant), to listen in on Jokey’s cell phone calls. Jokey had tried to acquire small amounts of explosives, which he uses in his exploding presents. What happened next can only be described as a nightmare. As Jokey prepared to meet a demolitions expert, members of the Joint Task Force intercepted him and promptly whisked him out of the country. He was first taken to Syria, where Syrian agents working under the direction of the CIA tortured him for almost a year in hopes of getting Jokey to confirm ties to the animated branch of Al-Qaeda. According to Jokey, he endured such tortures as intense water boarding, electric shock and being dangled by his feet in front of a house cat that resembled his archenemy Asrael. After refusing to confess, Jokey was sent to the detention camp at Guantanamo, where he has been held since. Under the classification of “enemy combatant”, he is denied any legal representation even though the Smurf village is on American soil, which makes him a citizen of the US. The (FISC) expired in February. President Bush has urged congress to renew the Act.